

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Wait... what JUST HAPPENED?

I have to admit I fell asleep during Tuesday's episode. I thought it was going to be a purely mockable episode so I really wasn't paying attention. I decided to rewatch when I got home today just for reference. All was going as planned as I thought my only material would be about Leslie Charleson's addiction to horrible plastic surgery, and Anna's inability to knock Olbrecht out when she totally should have.

but then.....

HOLY HELL. HE SHOT AJ. NOTHING ELSE MATTERS AFTER THAT MOMENT. No amount of not so live tweeting could encapsulate that moment. Maurice acted the HELL out of that scene! Spit literally was falling out of his mouth from yelling and what not. I really didn't think that would happen. I thought they would just fight again and then things would get worse but not that.... FREAKING AVA. How will Sonny find out that Ava is the real killer now? Is AJ dead??? I really don't like the guy, but I didn't think he deserved to DIE! Not to mention at the hands of Sonny. Good grief what is Michael going to say??? What will he do?? Writers please don't tell me you are going to damage that relationship more! There are few things that you can't mess with and the Michael/Sonny bond is one of them! I am stressing out right now because of what might happen next. AJ CANNOT DIE. Did anyone read any spoilers about Sean leaving the show? I didn't... unless I just missed it - but I'd think that was a big deal. (furiously googling....) NOPE all of the reliable sources don't say anything about him leaving... PHEW. But STILL. ok... breathe. This news allows for the return of brevity. 

Brevity... right.... jokes... laughs.... NOT SO LIVE tweets? Meh. I don't even know if I can relax after that last scene. I had a few good quips.... Comments on the montage hopefully signalling Kim M's actual departure.... I... just... can't. Oh well I'll have to see if all those comments are still funny tomorrow. For now I will calm myself knowing that Julian is in today's episode... but still no Alexis, Franco, or Carly. Dear Actors STOP GOING ON VACATION. sheesh. 

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