Wait a minute…. was there an auction recently for walk on roles??? I mean right of the bat two random people have speaking lines! Quick someone find out! Janel and I need to sign up and bid if this auction really is a thing! Also let’s shout out and congratulate the GH actors/actresses who were nominated for Daytime Emmys!!! Yay us! We all know who should win though...
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Can they have a joint Emmy? |
Our first foray into confusion comes by the way of Olbrecht and Victor. First off, is Victor really only back for this Robin departure story-line? That seems like a waste of guest star dollars. Although maybe that means less guest star money to give to Robin Mattson (a daytime Emmy nod? REALLY? #smh). But, I digress, the writers really have Victor playing lovesick weirdo when it comes to Fraulein doctor and I’m not exactly sure why. He spends most of the episode trying to convince her to leave with him - a departure which I support wholeheartedly - but of course she still has this bizarre masochistic love thing happening for Cesar and rebuffs him again and again. His last ditch effort to prove that he loves her - again, why? - is to give her the file on Cesar. More confusion for me with this plot point. Does the WSB actually know what happened, meaning that Cesar’s death would be in the file? That doesn’t really track since I am sure if they did Robert and Anna wouldn’t be walking around free… or at least Anna wouldn’t be commish any more right?
Speaking of the worst commissioner ever (and other Daytime Emmy nom) Anna is broken up about Robin leaving and Duke comes back in from all the work he’s been doing* and comforts her in her time of need. Dante ruins all the fun when he comes to tell Anna that AJ thinks Sonny is the one that tried to kill him. Geez Dante, do you have to be such an honest cop ALL THE TIME? Couldn’t you just keep that to yourself for a minute so Duke and Anna can get back together? It really is the only story-line of her’s that I like. Dante leaves and Duke comes back from the fastest coffee shop in town just in time for Anna to have thrown up her walls again and remind him that they are now on different sides of the law and they can’t be together. Ok writer’s color me confused, but isn’t Anna just being a huge hypocrite right now? SHE KILLED FAISON! #smh . Whatever, I don’t really care about Anna anyway.
My lack of caring must be genetic, because I am getting really sick of this Robin departure storyline really fast. I am confused as to how this is all going to play out. Kim McCullough isn’t schedule to come back anytime in the near future right? So if Robin is gone for an indeterminate amount of time are her and Patrick going to be “separated”? I just can’t see Patrick being single for an indeterminate amount of time, but if they aren't broken up any relationship he has in her absence will officially be cheating. Before she was dead so his relationship with Sabrina made sense, but now not so much…. Today we saw Emma being perfect ( a little too much so if you ask me) as she threw a surprise going away party for her mom and got her presents. Do you think they sell “thanks for abandoning me again” cards?
Across town there was MEGADRAMZ on the AJ/Ava who killed Connie #weallknowitwasAVA plot line. AJ decides that it would be a bright idea to confront Ava right away. I know that when I have a problem with a member of a noted crime family who isn’t related to my son I like to face that problem head on, because I am not afraid of being shot right away…. The confusion in this story-line is the reliance on the “fingerprints” angle. Ava says she couldn’t have killed Connie because only AJ’s fingerprints were on the gun. I’m sorry have none of the writers seen an episode of CSI? They’re called gloves and I’ve noticed that Ava has an impressive collection of designer gloves so why isn’t ANYONE bringing that up as even an option? After AJ pulls a Morgan and tells Ava he’s going to go rat her out she pulls out a gun and segways into tomorrow’s cliffhanger I’m sure.
And because we had AJ we have to have Michael and Sonny fighting about the same DRAMZ. Their interaction started sweet enough today, and I thought “hey Michael/Sonny bonding! it’s been so long!” but nopez, they took that that rug from under me almost right away. I have to say that the young emmy nod is really working on his “stubborn” acting, and it’s really getting on my nerves. Michael your father “killed” your father’s wife, cut the guy a break. Sonny, you are the smartest guy in town, can you PUH-LEASE stop pulling a Morgan and realize that Ava is bad news? Not to mention THE ACTUAL KILLER? Oy. Let’s have Dante solve this crime already because I am done with this. (I think a little light went on in Sonny’s head a the end of the epi when Sean told him AJ was with Ava…. I HOPE)
Over in back in the land of Fallon (Saugerties, NY) Sam and Silas continue to try to bring Silas to justice, by constantly doing things that will end up making him look more guilty in the eyes of Det. Hot Stuff Beatie Eyes West. They break in some doors (Sam), lie (Silas), and beat up some guards (dynamic duo). So you know, this is going to turn out FANTASTIC. Have you noticed that this place has higher security than Miscavitch? Cause that’s also AWESOME. They should lock up Heather here so she never gets out. The confusing part of this scenario isn't how a PI isn't smart enough to realize taking her suspect boyfriend to go break a bunch of laws where the victim is currently residing, but rather in that I don’t understand why the set designers didn't try a little bit harder to change the set from the clinic in Switzerland. They literally just added a sign with the new place’s name on it.
PREVIEWS: Gunshots and other scenes that are not CarlyFranco or Julexis. LAME.
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MORE of this instead please |
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and more of this |
Not so live tweets/comments - meant to be read as you watch (duh) - today’s sort of theme was #throwback
- You guys, It’s getting to the point that I am predicting actual lines before they happen. I had typed the bedside manner thing before Victor said it. Seriously MAKE ME A WRITER ALREADY
- Oh Anna, Duke knows you so well - just get back with him already. This is just nonsense #SMH
- I can’t take this being so nice to Robin nonsense, more proof that Emma is a perfect child. But seriously who gets presents for a parent who is abandoning them?
- Hey look Stone! #throwback
- I am confused as to where this Robin-Patrick story-line is going, are they breaking up since she is leaving? I mean Kimberly McCullough is not scheduled to come back right? At least not for the foreseeable future right? Patrick isn’t expected to be celibate until Kim decides to grace GH with her presence right?
- Weather Machine #throwback
- Wait is Victor already leaving? Was he really just back for the Robin departure story-line? What did that cost?
- AJ acting like a boss #throwback (there was a time where he was a drunk but a functional one)
- The role of AJ’s subconscious is currently being played by Kelly Sullivan #throwback
- I can’t help but think that maybe breaking into the facility might make you look LESS innocent Silas…
- They that hallway in this Scarsdale facility sure does look a lot like the facility in Switzerland #throwback
- Oh little Emma, that’s not how casting contract’s work
- It’s been too long since we had a good Sonny/Michael bonding moment, stop ruining it Michael
- Does this Olbrecht/Victor thing not gross everyone out? There are not people cheering for this right?
- A treatment center with armed guards? Seriously, are we sure we’re not back in Switzerland? i mean this place is locked up tighter than Miscavitch
- *Forget working for Sonny, is Duke “WORKING” at all? When was the last time that guy performed a task? Must be nice, I wish I had a job where I just walked around town all day.
- Ahem...Q is not a word AJ….. sorry.
- Oh sh*t homie she is going to kill you right now isn't she? WTF
- Ew don’t shack up again. No need for a #throwback on this one
- Is one of the things Robin wants to say “Goodbye”? Because this departure is now clocking in at approx 7 days.
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