

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Day 4 of the #NursesBall brings the end of the festivities and the start to #ALLYOURTEARS

Well #NursesBall2014 has finally come to a close. It was amazing. Many hearts were broken, many second chances were missed, some were given, and there was quite a lot of dancing. I didn't think I was going to give much of a recap today, because I really missed the end thanks to stupid cable, but I was able to watch the final scene on abc.com... And now I can't stop crying... So let's talk it out. 

I have to step back and really think about today's episode. We had 3 days of primarily silly peformances that were there to make our hearts light, just in time to smash them all in to little bits today. 

Throughout the #NursesBall so many characters were looking for second chances. Not everyone deserved them, I'm looking at you Scott (and slightly at you Lucy) but +General Hospital is great at making you feel for characters you didn't know you could feel for. I really found myself feeling for Olbrecht by the end, Olbrecht you guys... How did that happen? With amazing song placement and directing. When Nate and Britt decide to give Frauline Doctor another chance at the end, I think I cried a little. 

Poor Britt hasn't been granted her 2nd 15th chance yet, but I am holding out hope that she'll be ok. If not, she has a super hot brother who I think will be super supportive and help her out and help guide her. Yay for new siblings!

Spence got forgivness, but not his second chance, but it's ok. Prince Adorable is so young, and Cam is being a big brat lately so that could change at any moment. He learned a good lesson about being humble and grew a lot with this experience. Plus he is still sweet like a sandful of sugar. Little Nicky Bechtel has a long career ahead of him on GH. :)

Brad has lost all his chances, and I think he deserved them more than Britt. An accessory to all the crimes, he never really had anything to lose until it was too late. Don't worry Brad, It gets better... and if not, have your Triad mob family go after Lucas - because the Mob War isn't crazy enough already.

Lucy... Lucy, lucy Lucy... She made the right choices too late. I feel for her, but I am on #TEAMKEVIN regardless. I hope this doesn't mean Jon Lindstrom is leaving, because I love him. Also I like having people around that have been on the show since I started watching. 

And of course, #ALLTHETEARS and #ALLTHEFEELS were for #BabyPablo, Sabrina and Patrick. We barely saw them in this episode, and without seeing the final scenes I wouldn't have cried as much as I did. Hearing the heartbroken and exhausted parents sing to their baby from outside the hospital room? There aren't enough tissues in the world. I am confident Baby Pablo will be with us for awhile, and eventually get a real name. And from the looks of the final scene - he'll have one big loving extended family to watch over him as he grows


Here is the video so you can cry with me.  


  • Ouch. #poorBrad
  • So many second chances I want to happen here. #Britt #Ric #Spence #NOTSCOTT
  • Ya Sabrina, we can barely believe it either! #Player #Spencer
  • That face is BREAKING MY HEART #poorSpencer
  • Dude Scott LET IT GO. #gross #WORSTEVER
  • It must be so #awkward to be in that crowd
  • Felix to the rescue!!
  • No #teens. don't ruin my band. Please don't ruin my band. No one tell Dave Gahan this exists.
  • Um... who is the random background singer? 
  • Guys, i just figured out why Rafe didn't come back for the #NursesBall ! Someone has to babysit Danny since his family is NEVER HOME.
  • aww Proud Parentals
  • Awww Kev.... I'm sorry they revived this storyline.
  • We couldn't go a day without Levi? #gross. #imwithWest
  • #JonesingforMaxie today's $10 bet
  • Emma and Felix are about to make me cry aren't they? #alltheFEELS
  • Phew #BabyPablo is ok, wait LEAVE THE NICU? WTF
  • Felix has got JOKES
  • And this joke has officially died right?  #AdelleDazeem
  • Wow, Olbrecht has a really good voice. #stop #DONOTCAVE #OLBRECHTISTHEENEMY
  • Yes, Scott. You are the worst. Please leave. 
  • Time Warner keeps glitching out. Most of the last 10 minutes have been silent for me. I'm going to guess what they're saying "Scott you suck, Kevin was right" "And heeeeeere's Epiphany" "Let's name him Pablo" "Sing song tunes"
  • Ok back to Silence and lip reading "come on Alexis let's blow this joing" "sorry Cam, I've got things to do" "Aww Emma still won't pick me" "Come here dude, you need a hug" "come here Lucy, you need a hug" "Well Brother I didn't get a second chance, let's blow this joint" "Hi daddy, Hi Sabrina" 
  • Why are Molly and TJ there? Oooo Ric, Ok ok... guess this isn't as serious with no sound...


Well, from what I can tell through the horrible glitchy +Time Warner Cable feed (so not happy with them right now) Franco wants Carly to join the #MILEHIGHCLUB, #Julexis FINALLY get some PROPER action, Kev punches that dirt bag Scott, someone still cares about someone (glitch), Duke and Anna dance, Bobbi and Lucy cat fight - silently? 

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