

Monday, April 28, 2014

Just another episode that shows Jason Thompson should get ALL THE EMMYS.

Back in action because the last few days have been destroying me in the #FEELS and I had to talk about it with someone! (That someone is you guys!)

Yes Sabrina, we are all crying with you!

This episode hit me on so many levels. Most obviously would be with the baby storyline. I don't know how Felix could hold up to those cries for as long as he did. Poor Sabrina! And of course Jason Thompson is throwing the gauntlet for #ALLTHEMMYS . The concern, fear, pain in his eyes- wow. It is INSANE. I am really happy Britt has come around because he really needed her there to reassure him, give him the truth, and let he and Sabrina go in to see the baby as a family. I hope this converts all the #BRITTHATERS out there, but you know they probably buy Anna's crap theory that Britt ran them off the road. (The only driver that bad was Connie, and she's you know... dead)

Then we've got the feels I am not sure about with the Sonny/Morgan storyline. Don't get me wrong I think the Ava/Sonny hookup was EW worthy, and I totally feel bad for Morgan... but I don't think Morgan blowing up here is going to solve anything. Sonny resolves things best when left on his own to implode, when he is pushed things just get infinitley worse. And to be honest I am still feeling for Sonny. Even though it was the one moment in his life AJ wasn't guilty, Sonny didn't know that and here was the guy who killed the love of his life (SOOOO NOT OLIVIA) and he's choking another chick (albeit Ava UGH) so he snapped. He feels the remorse, he is racked with guilt - and we see that with Ghost AJ. I just want the Corinthos family to have a win instead of more loss... Is that so wrong?

I don't even need the hot and steamy- some #Julexis fam will do!
Lastly we have the feels I would be willing to push aside for more #JULEXIS - West still needs to tell Britt she is his sister, and possibly figure out a way to get Dante promoted because Anna is horrible at her job; Michael is very sad and still wants to catch the killer, but he went to PCU so he can't put 2+2 together so Kiki is going to help; and lastly Franco and Carly being detectives - they need to process their plans better and not have big conversations in busy police station hallways. I mean COME ON.  

NOT SO LIVE TWEETS (but a lot more recent than usual!)

  • Seriously Janel? You are cheering for this bearded fellow?
  • Stop it right now GH don't freaking KILL A BABY. 
  • So just in case you were wondering... we still need to GIVE ALL THE EMMYS TO JASON THOMPSON (and none to this guy)
  • Ah the revenge! I sure do hope this is explosive.
  • This Sabrina/Patrick/Baby stuff is killing me. tears.
  • Dear Anna, don't be a bitch who is against leads. Even you hate that. Also she is his sister..
  • Is Ava going to run in to Anna on the way up? God that baby better be safe.
  • Ok see Morgan, I was totally feeling bad for you... Now... not so much. #TEAMSONNY
  • Quick Patrick come be with Sabrina so she calms down
  • Felix is the best best friend ever
  • #GH punching you in the feels since 1963
  • Ok calling it - Carlos is going to pinch Todd Franco for this 
  • Kiki you are so helpful, but stop implying that it might be Sonny ... even though it is
  • Dude Sonny's guilt is going to EAT HIM ALIVE
  • Ok sure.. now I'll feel bad for Carrrrlos. GEEZ. 
  • That lil baby looks so real. #allthefeels


Carly continues to show us she's the smartest gal in town - questioning why Carlos confessed, Anna tryies to be a good commisioner as Michael looks on, Kiki questions Ava, Morgan throws Ava under the bus (and apparently breaks up a #JULEXIS moment), other lame things, and Olivia can tell Sonny is on the verge of a breakdown. 

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