- It's a new day in Port Charles #April30thfortherecord
- bwahahaha! Madeline made fun of Olbrect's accent #thanksforsayingwhatwe'reallthinking
- What did you do #Fluke?
- Ugh. Nikolas is a slow reader. Why would you bring up Britt around Elizabeth? #Nikolascreatesdrama
- Yay Britt and her brother... he he he
- #NursesBall2014 Planning #wheresTatianaslineup
- Oh yeah it's Wednesday= #boringstorylines
- Ugh Elizabeth #stopwhining #shestheworst
- Oh, and you're my sister #justtellher
- Tatiana would be Fast Forwarding a lot of this
- We awkwardly changed the name of our child to something weird #RoccovsBen
- Hey Kevin, it's not the 51st Anniversary--no need to suck up.
- Except he's right. I heart GH #bestshowonTV
- I don't like this drug stuff and Julian involved. Maybe Jordan can take the fall for all of it.
- Remember when Nikolas was cool and a bad ass? When did he go so soft? #usedtobemyfavorite
- "Piece of Strudel" #wordoftheday
- Oh, and you're my sister #justtellheralready
- Yay he finally told her #yourethelastoneIwanttotakeout #harsh #probablyabetterwaytosayit
- Random sad music in the jail. Hey, we don't care about Liesl's feelings. #shesabadguy
- Scott Baldwin is a douche (I apologize for the language, but I'm just sayin')
- Oh yeah, Didn't Laura just go to Europe for a check up? A year ago? #thatsalongwaittoseeadoctor
- EEWWWWAH #Fluke is creepy. WHO ARE YOU!?!?! #itsdrivingmecrazy
- And the flashbacks are here again.
- So we're siblings.. that's cool... let's hang out...I guess, bro... #literallylaughable
- More classic GH stories
- I think Jordan should take it all the credit for it
- Fluke is mixing the pot. Stop trying to get Sean to tell you something
- And now it's obvious that Luke is #Fluke
- We're clearly playing house but without all the benefits
- Is egg white omlette the new #BLTs
- What? He can act??
- I knew it! #wheresNina #neverdeaduntilyouseeabody
I think the best part of today's episode was when Nathan told Britt that she was his sister. It was spectacularly awkward and funny to watch him explain it. But I would like to share with you, how Tatiana would have written that scene.
Nathan: So Uh Yeah... um... like... I'm your brother.So good.
Britt: WTF
Nathan: Well you see... I thought my mom was this waspy white lady... but get this-she's actually your mom's sister... oh and actually not my mom.
Britt: WTF
Nathan: I know right? Cray-cray! (smolders eyes)