

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

It's possible the @generalhospital writers knew I was annoyed w/ #julexis from TH & gave me West catching Levi as a gift 8/11 recap #GH

That's right, I'm still not happy about how #Julexis ended on Thursday. I don't think any of us should be. Alexis is an amazingly smart and strong woman. You're telling me that he still refuses to tell her the whole truth and she still sleeps with him? Worse, while it happens she looks helpless? Nope. Sorry. I love #Julexis , I believe that Jules is her true love, and I would be dead inside to not love #julexis heat - but I am not ok with that. The Alexis I have been watching since the 90s might have succumbed to a kiss ( a hot steamy one of course) but as she has with Julian before, she would have been strong and pulled away. If anything giving Jules the more reason to tell her EVERYTHING. I think we can all agree Jules has grown A LOT since his arrival in this harbor side town. I even agree that Alexis should accept him for who he is, a mob man, at least at this point. However, he could have told her everything to show that yes he is still a mob man, he is doing it for her and his family. I think she would take the mob nonsense as a trade off if he told her everything... I am not afraid that this won't be resolved soon because HELLO they finally put them together on the +General Hospital opening credits, but that doesn't mean I can't vent to you instead of apologizing I haven't blogged in forever right?

Don't give me a title card and then play break up - I'm not DUMB.

Oh well as a reward I got two whole days of slightly less serious storylines, and they managed to pull them off without being so silly I can't handle it - yes I am even going with the Aztec storyline at the moment because it means bad things for Levi (happy dancing!)

I watched Friday and Monday back to back, so it was like a super sized episode! And even with no Julexis I have to say I liked what was going on in all the storylines (save Nina). And you guys, to be honest - that hasn't happened in a long while. Of course I could have just been lost in the wonder of my best friend Ryan P's eyes.... #WORTH IT

I know they're not actually related but he was channeling Maurice FOR REAL here
Over both days we spent a lot of time with the best detective in town, Dante. Turns out the man who should be commissioner is working on the Fluke identity case - so you know that will be solved! Any how it's a brief notation before wifey comes by the station to let hubby know that they are good to go for BABIES! Woo hoo. Now they can have another child to torture with a horrible baby name! I'm sure baby #2 will be ADORBZ (Corinthos good looks don't skip generations). From the station the happy couple jam on over to the Haunted Star (which is only a thing when all the other sets are in use) for the lovely event that is the Dunkleman/Jones wedding. Other storylines have things happen (covered later) and our besite Dante gets stuck helping that dumb dumb Levi with his Tux.... It's okay though, because we get to see the AWESOMENESS that is Dante threatening to "inflict some negativity" ALL UP ON Levi. I did another
happy dance, because YES.

Hahaha I can't even take this seriously... ooo bad guy and stuff. lolz 
Even better - we got plenty of time with my best friend Ryan Paevey. Taking advice from Nina (which I wouldn't normally recommend) Nate is trying to find Maxie in an attempt to tell her how he feels. Instead he runs in to my favorite ex-commish Mac. They do some bonding, because why not? It's sweet and I loved it. Anyhow West tells Mac that he has feelings for Maxie and Mac does what he can to convince West to fight for her. West doesn't at first (and Mac proceeds to do the same with Maxie) and I was worried that maybe he was going to pretend to work, which he does for like a minute. You see he MUST work in order for the totally hairbrained Aztec theft storyline to unfurl properly. It doesn't matter what the details are, the point is Levi did something bad, and this time he's sure to get CAUGHT. WOOO! Party time, excellent! Of course it wouldn't be a suspenseful soap cliffhanger if the world's only annoying Aussie didn't pull a gun on him first! OOOO this is getting SO GOOD!!!

We took some time with some other storylines that were good for 1 day, but just weren't twofer quality. First we spent some time with my favorite baddie, Ava Jerome, and all the Corinthos boys she has trapped in her web. Sonny is still fighting to rebuild his relationship with Morgan and tells him as much truth as he can without implicating himself in a murder, while in the middle of the #GH lobby... The broken record has finally stopped skipping... a little. Morgan finally agrees that while certain things will never be ok, he is almost ready to make it work. Just another instance where a mob man in town could benefit (possibly) from telling the WHOLE truth.... ugh now i'm just annoyed again.... Back to today - Carly had also spent some time with Morgz and goes after Ava. She's ready to drag the blonde witch to the hospital to take a paternity test to at least let Morgan have some type of closure. That's super not going to happen... not yet anyhow but I am always down for a good Ava/Carly sparring match.

Don't try to tell me this wasn't a moment
We came SO CLOSE to some #SIAM interaction today! Silas swings by to tell Sam the news Molly has revealed (that Rafe was commissioned to run Pabrina off the road) and it leads to a lot of almost moments.... Damn that Patrick. Anyhow Silas tells her the news and of course Sam is going to look into this, if not for Silas than for that guy she has no romantic chemistry with (Patrick). If anything the brief pitstop with Siam gave me hope, because why give them moments and almost-moments if you are redirecting to "Samtrick"? YOU DON'T. More happy dancing (even though it might not be completely warranted).

This could very well be a scene from a SyFy movie about pod people
Speaking of Patrick, who I only love when not being associated with Samtrick, his family gets some attention as well. Emma breaks all of our hearts asking the young innocent questions about divorce that parents are forced to answer when one is off lying and what not. I get the sense that little girl is either going to continue to be super adorable, or when they SORAS the remaining adorable children she has the potential to be really bad because of all the crap she's gone through.... God save the children! Anyhow, so ya Robin is around too and Viktor is being true to the family name threatening the family like it's NBD. I have to say, I'm not thrilled that the Pabrina accident happened, but I am happy that there are still evil Cassadines out there. Don't get me wrong I love my lil' Prince Adorbz, and despite his horrible parenting - Nik (my first #GH crush). But there HAS to be a truly evil Cassadine around! Or else all the bad guys are just mobsters and gingers, and that gets old. Here's the burning question I have - If Robin is such a medical GENIUS that she can just go around creating cures for so many rare conditions, why the hell was she still working in Port Charles? Riiight. I can't wait til she's gone again. Anyone have a timeline on that exit? Surely we know the side effect of the medicine will be massive facial distortion via recasting? We don't need her around for that right? That is unless we're holding out for some super secret reveal that Steve Burton is coming back? I mean they keep panning to the old family pictures... which still have Steve... but nah, he's never coming back...

Also can we all agree that this scene was adorable and perfect because Mac is the best ever?


Maxie swears she doesn't have feelings for Levi, The guy I think is the INS man is a guest, Levi falls for the oldest trick in the book, Sam feels like Jason is out there (because she let it go but the plot needs her to reel that back in), and Viktor yells things.



  • Ahh so that was the case Dante was working on! He's so overworked, I had no clue which one is was for.
  • Ava is my favorite horrible person. #therightkindofWRONG
  • Sonny "Guardian Angel" Corinthos! Here to lurk in your hospital atrium!
  • YES now the wedding is CURSED!!! WOOOT!! #DEPORTLEVI
  • Could you imagine if Mac was the commish again and Nate & Maxie were together... the PCPD would basically be the family business. It would be so great.
  • Um... Are Mac & Felicia hard up for cash? She traded that beautiful necklace for a camera?
  • Carly is my favorite. Haters to the LEFT. #superlady #STRONG #BAMF
  • Again still very on the fence on who I am picking here... #TEAMSonny or #TEAMFranco 
  • Has Nina just been lurking by the doors this whole time? #CREEPER
  • I might be #TeamFranco because he's got excellent comebacks and snark
  • Is she really reading "What to expect when you're expecting?" She has a kid already... she knows what to expect....
  • I might be #TeamSonny because I am SO OVER Franco being so whiney....
  • Lulu, he is like the only detective who is ACTUALLY WORKING... he can't take any time off...
  • OMG, are we pulling a storyline out of the hat here OR WHAT? All of a sudden Levi's motives are about... Aztecs??? Uh... ok
  • Mac's got #JOKES
  • Do ever wonder how small Port Charles is if there is only one girl in town that "might" be in love with +Ryan Paevey ? And yet.... it's big enough for 2+ mobsters, a Q estate, and an international coffee company.... #burningquestions
  • I feel like whatever therapist Nina went to when she woke up should be FIRED, cause that woman is CRAY CRAY
  • Please don't tell me Sonny is going to tell Morgan in the hallway of the crowded hospital?
  • See at least Ava pulls the "Franco info" card because she's desperate, Nina does it because she just likes to start trouble.
  • Perhaps the entire "Aztec" storyline is a $10 bet
  • Bryan Craig looks like 5 years younger in these Sonny/Morgan scenes... it's adorable.
  • Mac is the best ever and there is no doubt about it almost ever. #proudPapa


  • For all that is good and right in the world, can this lil' Princess get a win??? #breakingmyheart
  • HEY! #SIAM ... or you know at least they are in the same room together #grasping
  • I hope any weirdo who might be out there liking Levi just saw that and was like "oops, our bad"
  • How did he know it was Felicia? This is a rando town in upstate NY, there are no other Aztecs...
  • "Aztec Gate" the official name for the $10 bet that is THIS STORYLINE
  • I am totally ok with business causing a reunion of #SIAM
  • Dude Robin. you are the worst. I do not care about this new concocted "reason" from Viktor
  • Little Brook-lynn is getting so old. STOP.
  • I am willing to put this on mute to imagine #SIAM happiness
  • You know what other part of Port Charles I wish we could see? The person who runs the town's tanning salon, they must be #BALLIN!
  • I'm just saying, If I found out West was interested in me there would be a Taiana sized hole in wIhatever wall was closest to me...
  • It warms my heart that Dante is the best - best friend. Doubting everything that comes out of the HORRIBLE AUSTRALIAN's mouth....
  • Listen VIKTOR, you killed Baby boy Pablo and thusly I like NO ONE in that room.....
  • DANTE IS MY HERO , also I wouldn't mind seeing that negativity pounded into Levi's face.
  • "Whine whine, pretend to be someone we care about, whine blah" - ROBIN
  • Does this mean that Viktor and Fluke are involved? #THEORIES #burningquestions
  • BRO - YOUR TIMING BLOWS..... We were having #SIAM moments!
  • Why are all Robin's miracle drugs yellow water? Props couldn't afford blue or red?
  • We all know the side effects of the miracle drug won't be death, just facial reconstruction #recast
  • BOOM. CAUGHT. SUCKER. didn't you know West is actually a GOOD DETECTIVE
  • You'd think they'd start changing the photos at this point, It's not like Steve isn't coming back..
  • OMG. How did he know there was enough pockets for a gun? Tuxedos are SUPER DIFFICULT... #eyeroll

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