

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Anna/Olbrecht call Silas a bad parent, Maxie clowns on Nathan about his job - It's hypocrite day in PC! 07/18 #GH recap

Let's all hope that after this Friday episode and that slow week last week things are going to ramp up for our #julexis storylines this week. If you haven't read their TV guide article yet you totally should. Let's take a moment and celebrate the year anniversary that this man first came in to our #GH lives:

Courtesy of @williamdeVry1 twitter

If he was waiting for me on the other side of my door I'd OPEN IT RIGHT AWAY
I put off watching Friday's episode until Sunday night mainly because I feel like the gap of the weekend throws me off my "writing rhythm" and that's no fun. Not to mention last week was a fairly slow week so I knew I wasn't missing much. It's a good thing I didn't watch too, because Maxie frustrated me so much I almost turned the episode off. "Maxie" has decided she's gotta kick Nathan out because of all the lying he's been doing, and has thrown "all of his stuff" outside. It was ONE bag... but hey ok, I'll let that go. After a little bit of pleading Maxie let's Nathan back in the apt, pleading his case. Like most of us know to be true (confirmed with a #fakeFlashback) West thinks Levi is the one who made the call to ICE (which btw wtf? it's the INS guys...) with Nathan's phone. Maxie can't really think for herself right now, but even if there was a chance for that it is spoiled when Levi comes home to run everything like he does. West is back out on the "streets" by the end of the episode and I can't help but think GOOD RIDDANCE. I mean I love #Naxie, but he can do SO MUCH BETTER THAN HER. With who? I'm not sure, the list of available awesome PC women right now is on the low but hey they are casting like crazy lately anyhow... Again, frustrated - I do want them to still end up together. If anything now West can get a cool new apt with Britt and we can see some fun brother/sister stuff. Not to mention, Levi doesn't realize he is messing with a Cassadine. Once that cat is out of the bag West needs to go to his lil' nephew Spence - the master of deceivers- to hatch a #deportLevi plan. Can we all just imagine how #ADORBZ that would be???

Spencer Cassadine "FUTURE LEADER"
Neither of the Olbrecht kids are having much luck at the moment as Felix (who is currently working my last nerve) and Liz have shown up at the park eager to "help" with camp. Seeing her plan being to spiral out of control Britt calls mom, but to no avail (mom's got bigger problems right now). Thinking the plan foiled, Britt begins to sulk. Never fear Britt! Spence is here! The prince of adorable schemes throughout the episode to get Nik back in Britt's court. While his first few attempts fail (full of fun games at camp sequences) by the end of the episode our favorite little schemer has hatched a plan to runaway to push Britt and Nik together... Ok Spence, trusting you on this one... but this could end so bad... 

We sure are smiling a lot while we talk about divorce!
Anna has arrived at the hospital, not to do police work, but to talk to Patrick about Robin. As much as I don't care about Robin or Anna it was funny watching Anna being so clueless about EVERYTHING. Patrick confirms he is looking to get a divorce from Robin, although with the whole "Molly being in an accident" thing I doubt Alexis has drawn up the papers. While I began to wonder how Kim Mcullough's return would affect this storyline Olbrect drops by to drop the bomb that Silas is planing on going to the press and calling out the hospital and by extension Dr. Drake for mishandling of the Rafe situation etc (did I not cover that story yet.. I will... soon). I would feel bad for Patrick, but I am not his biggest fan right now so ... Olbrecht wants to call a press conference to avoid Silas getting the jump on them. 

That is totally my "I am so OVER Sam right now" FACE
Speaking of Silas  - like I said he's gearing up to go to the press about Rafe and Dr Drake. Rather than take a supportive stance, by maybe calling her dad AT THE PRESS, Sam instead tries to convince Silas that Patrick didn't hurt Rafe intentionally and Silas should not go to the press. She goes about convincing Silas in the worst way, the way that won't work, as she tells Silas she talked to Patrick and he couldn't have done it. Why? Because he "totally thought about it" but swears he didn't... Heads up Sam, maybe don't tell Silas, the guy who already hates Patrick, that Patrick even THOUGHT about hurting Rafe. You are just adding fuel to the fire. And of course, because we still have to deal with Crazy Eyes, Nina uses this time to eavesdrop on the pair and hatch a new part of her plan. It's astonishing how much a "paralyzed" person can walk around a hospital without ANYONE noticing. But hey.. whatever. When Nina gets found out, SHE BETTER BE FOUND OUT, I can't wait to see her whole charade go up in flames!


West confides in Dante - when he should be confiding in his mother or sister (better schemers), Levi might go to prison (light at the end of the tunnel!), Spence has passed out on snackfood, Anna has suspicions about Olbrecht (but she's a horrible cop so nothing will come from that), and members of the press that are NOT Julian question Silas (argh). 


  • If I lived with +Ryan Paevey-Vlieger I would NEVER kick him out #BADLIFECHOICES #sexypants 
  • Dear Felix, WE ARE NOT #TEAMLIZ back off
  • Anna is apologizing for the PCPD's poor performance? She could make that a citywide tour #WORSTCOMMISSIONEREVER 
  • Dude Silas, she's never ACTUALLY in physical therapy... OPEN YOUR EYES
  • Wow Felix is working really hard to make me not like him... 
  • Ooo I like Olbrecht's new hair. #fashionista
  • Spence is my HERO. 
  • Patrick, we're not asking her to solve every crime "right away" just one crime... eventually
  • Dude seriously Rosalie. SHUT. UP.
  • Parading his body around the park? Is this a routine? What time do I show up?
  • OOO the press! Silas is gonna call Sam's daddy and get this shit taken care of! #BOOM
  • Yes, Anna start blaming Silas for his "failings as a guardian" ... because you are an AWESOME parent.... #absent
  • Does that mean Nate has the DNA for scheming??? That would be SO GOOD #Cassadines
  • You're going to follow him... down the stairs? How will that work exactly #WHEELS
  • Anna knows that leaving is unlike Robin, but she's super dumb so she won't figure out why... 
  • I have never found an Australian accent annoying until Levi. He's totally ruined Aussie Men for me. #CRIMES
  • Aww I miss when he was about to marry Sabrina #goodtimes #Pabrina4EVER
  • I think "unfounded" is a strong word. There at worst "semi-founded"
  • Did lil' Cam get a spray tan? Or is he spending a lot of time at the beach?
  • Ugh Liz do NOT quote FNL. You are not good enough for FNL #PantherPride #lionsPride #COACHTAYLOR
  • Well you are stupid.... but I don't that actually plays here... #deportLevi
  • This is breaking my lil' #Siam heart... 
  • No offense Olbrecht, but with you as COS it's not really a credible institution anyhow... 
  • Spencer you sly dog you. Will he run away to the waterfront? #burningquestions

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