

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Since #julexis was technically on the episode but didn't actually share the screen I tweeted but didn't blog, that's ok right? #GH 08/21

We shall return to regularly scheduling blogging tomorrow. Business trips are total time sucks. Until then we still have not so live tweeting! Now if you'll excuse me I've got to get back to my best friend Wally...


Rafe's phone finally turns on (damn that iOS), more Pabrina recapping (totally cool with it if it leads to ACTUAL Pabrina), Nina gestures wildly as per usual, the siblings catch up, and no one looks happier at the potential that his parents are back together than Morgan (Michael like me, looks unsure of how to feel)


  • Oh helloooooo Julian. How I have missed you so. #swoon
  • Stop with the texts on screen guys. That is a +The Mindy Project bit.....
  • Hey guys you hear that romantic type music as he opened the door? That's proof #SIAM lives on! If only on the back burner at the moment. 
  • SABRINA!!!! Yayyyyyy #PABRINA FOREVER!!! (Haters (#samtrick peeps) to the LEFT!)
  • You guys know I am #julexis all the way - but I'd be lying if I said that teenage me still swoons for #Nelexis
  • Stratigize at Kelly's? Why would you discuss #MOBWARS in a busy family restaurant?
  • I just want Sam to break Nina's face. Is that wrong?
  • I don't generally FF through Sonny scenes, because I love Sonny and always will no matter what he does.... but.... 
  • Recap for Sabrina and all the rich viewers who have been on vacation #themoreyouknow
  • DON'T FIGHT PABRINA!!! I need you to get along!
  • You see Silas, that witch Nina paid him to leave. Cause she's awful and the worst person to ever wheel around town. #SIAMforever
  • #gatekeepers FTW
  • See now I have a problem with that ... why didn't Julian just say he was strong armed back into the mob? If Ned understood that could be an excusable thing, Alexis probably would have too... #justsayin
  • Silas DO NOT FIGHT WITH SAM. I just can't handle it, and yes Nina is responsible for everything bad in town. Well almost, Fluke's responsible for the rest...
  • I like that Carly is as confused as I am. Let's me know that how things are supposed to be.
  • Ugh with the "swearing on your children's lives" thing again. I know he's Fluke, but saying that really cheapens the relationship you were building with your kids (and we all love that so...)
  • Oh ok, way to redeem yourself there Jules. At least you know what you have potentially lost...
  • Honestly I don't even know at this point... but them I'm not a crime solver...
  • Franco's smart enough to know that "turnabout is fair play" means he needs to warn everyone right?

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