

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Hey! Remember that one time...

Janel's Ramblings:

Todays episode opened with Sam and Silas in NY at a bar that Ava's mother, Delia Ryan, apparently runs/works at?? I don't remember that from before (wow did they go to the history books for her! Who knew she was a character from Ryan's Hope and early GH). They are there to convince her to help them get the information against Ava. 

TJ and Molly's "special night" was interrupted by Alexis and Julian. YES!  This whole scene was awkward. Julian looked awkward standing there, TJ looked awkward and scrambled to get his shirt on. I don't ever want to make Alexis mad. EVER. I'm glad that Alexis stopped that from happening. I did not want to see that! After she forces Molly to go home, Julian stays behind to talk to TJ about the warehouse incident. I wonder why Julian wants TJ to tell #theworstcomissionerever what really happened at the warehouse.

Starting to feel a little bad for Molly. Talk about going from a perfect night to a nightmare. First your mom walks in on your and your boyfriend, and then has a huge argument in front of said boyfriend, then takes you home just in time to be surprised that your dad is there. Then to have her friend be the one who ratted her out. Poor kid. Too many highs and lows for one day.

I heart Rick Lansing. I'm so glad he's back. 

The conversation that Sonny and Olivia had served as pretty much a recap of what happened yesterday between Sonny and Sean, and to put together the pieces of the puzzle that it's Rick Lansing who's trying to take down Sonny's organization through Barrett Enterprises. At least it was more entertaining (due fully to Olivia and how she banters with Sonny) than the conversation of Ava and Carrrrlos talking about Ava killing Connie. 

Ok so here's what I like about them showing Connie and Ava's interaction the night Connie was murdered. It's A) been a long time since we remember the circumstances around the murder and B) I love that she actually felt like she had motive because Connie put together that Derek Wells was Julian Jerome. Well played writers, well played. AND to throw in there (what we already knew) but Ava's confession to Connie about shooting Olivia! Let's just wrap all those story lines up in a nice package! Thanks! 

Oh and we ended with everyone (Ava and Sonny) wanting to kill AJ. So there you go. 

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